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Restaurants Prepared Freshly Upon Order in Sault Ste. Marie ON

Restaurants: Apart from meeting up with fantastic people dwelling beside the rapids of the river , this place provides a lot to do for tourists. Scenic sightseeing , learning how to fish at the river and plenty of other tourist sights. A good dining place for individuals that really enjoy food.


North82 is certainly one popular dining place that you can certainly not ignore if you are planning to eat the very best in Sault Ste . Marie. Well-known for its steak among the local cuisine choices , North82 offers both American and Canadian specialties too. North82 is definitely your one-stop destination for you lunch , dinner or late night food.


Indulge in The Best Food Options At North82 Restaurant


Steak and Seafood


North82 is especially famous for cooking tasty steaks and seafood. In case you have a love for these , you will surely enjoy the exclusive taste available at North82. You will enjoy these delicious meals with your favorite drink availablehere. Not only your taste buds , but your family and friends will cherish it for a long time.


Popular Vacation Spot


Restaurants: The city of Sault Ste . Marie is a preferred travel destination from years. North82 takes great pride in being the most visited dining places in the city by these visitors. You will find many visitors indulging in their most likedfood items when you visit. The eating venue is a perfect place for adventure fan providing a warm feel around with yummy food




Sunday Brunches


Make your Sundays enjoyable and scrumptious with North82’s Sunday brunch menu.




Spending great time with your loved ones requires a comfortable and warm ambience and North82 has it all. North82 offers the ideal set up for a family of 4 or for a big family function if you want to enjoy memorable moments. If you are planning a birthday party or just a formal candlelight dinner or lunch for your friends and relatives , you can arrange it in our party rooms.


Impressive Bar


Are you a huge lot of good friends holidaying to this city? Visit North82 for a round of drinks and fine conversation.


Great Value


At North82 , customers will find an incredible menu . The menu meets everyone’s taste buds. The dishes are fair-priced. The restaurant’s highly qualified and expert cooks assure to offer a great taste so you get the value for your money.


Fantastic Customer Service


Every visitor visiting North82 is greeted warmly by our well trained and competent staff. Since there are a lot of guests going to this place , the restaurant ensures the staff is skilled to handle them properly.


North82 is one of the best dining options as a visitor in the city of Sault Ste . Marie. North82 not only provides the most delicious dishes , but offers you a clean and cozy ambience also. Try our cuisine today and be in love with us . Restaurants Prepared Freshly Upon Order in Sault Ste. Marie ON call (705) 998-0553